General Assembly:
- Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly of 04/05/2017
- Approval of the annual accounts and budget
- Discharge from liability of the boardmembers
- Proposal of future projects:
- Logo & new website
- Symposium in September/October 2018
- Secretarial support board BAREC
- Consensus text regarding insurance amounts
- Miscellaneous
- Compensation/payment of subjets for their participation in clinical trials by J. Thomas (Ethics Committee UZ KU Leuven)
- Upcoming privacy issues in clinical trials: General Data Protection Regulation and Royal Decree on Biobanks by A. Van Scharen (Ethics Committee UZ Brussel/VUB)
If you would like to read more about this, please consider becoming a Barec-member and acquire access to our member area.
Please contact us for more information on becoming a member via: info@barec.be